Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Did it ever dawn on you

To just, on occasion, SHUT THE FUCK UP?

the Downside of a Spirit of Bipartisanship [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

Well, putting aside the policy packages that could ultimately come together.... Tony Snow promises that tonight there will be "a nice discussion of Nancy Pelosi," first woman Speaker. I wish Kate O'Beirne were president. She could begin the State of the Union explaining how many of the women in Congress make the world worse.

01/23 05:50 PM

Yeah, Ol' 60-Grit* as President. That would certainly hold down the MILF fantasies of our nations octagenarians. Did it ever dawn on you that not even conservatives give a shit about this kind of idiocy. In the world you and Kate O'Beirne would want women would barely be able to take part in the work force and have absolutely no autonomy over their bodies, careers, or prospects.

No thank you.

And on behalf of the 95% of the country that isn't dealing with the pangs of never getting laid...


*Phrase created, I believe, by Jane Hamsher.

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