Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Poor Bastards

I mean Bush & Laura of course, remember according to the first lady, when it comes to Iraq, "No one suffers more than their president and I do."

So some of these whiny bastards better suck it up and remember how tough Bush & his wife have it. Like this inconsiderate person:

Kelly Bridson's husband, Joe, calls every day from Iraq, where he’s serving a 15-month deployment. If he doesn’t call it’s because he can’t: phone access is suspended whenever a member of the company is injured or killed until the next of kin is notified, leaving Kelly wondering if Joe is the casualty.

Well that's all fine for you and your family Kelly, but really if you become a widow and your child fatherless, remember how much more your President and his Wife suffer than you do.

Get over yourself.

The nerve of some people.

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