Sunday, September 18, 2011

I guess I'll just kill 'em later

Rick Perry's need to kill as many people as possible has run smack into his desire to be seen as not wanting to kill as many people as possible. As such, Rick Perry will not kill everyone at this time -- with the possible benefit he will get to kill as many people as he wants later. YEE-HAW!


StonyPillow said...

Republicans may have to wait for Rick Perry to win for meat to be back on the menu?

The Tea Party is asking, "What about their legs? They don't need their legs!"

Raoul Paste said...

With Doug Feith and Rumsfeld as his foreign policy advisors, what could possibly go wrong?

pansypoo said...

death row probably has plenty more to kill.

Anonymous said...

Perry is showing his true color blindness by deferring to them black-robed justices staying one black man's execution.