Thursday, September 15, 2011

So glad to have "racism" re-defined for me

Via Tbogg's hilarious (what else is new?) take down of Robert Stacey McCain and the latter's umbrage about Sarah Palin's living life as if performed by Morris Day and the Time:

The white person who does not mind transacting business with a black bank clerk may yet be averse to accepting the clerk as his sister-in-law, and THIS IS NOT RACISM, no matter what Madison Avenue, Hollywood and Washington tell us.”

Something tells me that Robert Stacey McCain's only real interaction with black people involves a virtual visit with Heather Hunter for a deposit in his spank bank.


jimmiraybob said...

Ad Mr. Tbogg does a follow up with a quote by the McCain shit-for-brains:

"During my trip to Wasilla last year, I told Todd Palin that if he had shot Levi Johnston, no jury in the world would have convicted him, and his wife’s poll numbers would have gone up."

McCain then urges his readers to contribute to SarahPAC to send Todd around the country beating the "scurvy worm into a bloody pulp" and to provide bail for Todd when he's thrown in jail for assault.

McCain, I'm sure a good TeaChristian, is criminally insane. Driven there by the thought of a large black African python pounding about in Sarah's sweet sweet innocent white garden of eden. Pounding and thrusting. Large and black. Over and over as she wrythes in blissful surrender to her black warrior king. Fluids mingling. Until they explode together ..... should this be on after dark?

Anonymous said...

A black bank clerk...?

Well, I GUESS that's okay, as long as my bank manager isn't black.

But where I'd really have to draw the line if my bank president were black.

I'm NOT a racist, mind you, but this whole thing with black presidents has just gone a bit too far, if you want my opinion.

pansypoo said...

i still don't care.

DrDick said...

Robert Stacey McCain's normal "interaction" with black people is running, screaming in terror, from 12 year olds.