Monday, October 17, 2011

And now a dose of Right-Wing scholarship

Ugh, crafting their own reality now includes plenty of bad-byes -- just sad:
Yes, how dare they accurately portray him.


Raoul Paste said...

I thought it was an Onion headline.

Anonymous said...

They really live in a fantasy world, don't they?

Those of us old enough to remember MLK remember his brave stands against the Vietnam War and in favour of economic justice.

And we remember how MLK was opposed by conservatives all the way along the line.

So now a new generation of conservatives try to make up shit about him and what he stood for.

Fuck you, Kochsuckers.

DrDick said...

Reality has a well known liberal bias and Republicans hate it, preferring to substitute their own.

pansypoo said...

nonono just the dream speech. we must ignore MLK jr the RADICAL.

Anonymous said...

Everybody knows if MLK was still alive he'd be running a hedge fund and voting Republican.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Audie Murphy over at The Party of Know (sic)has deleted all of the comments to his insight. His wisdom is matched only by his courage.