Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Who amongst us

Doesn't recall the American Revolutionary Battles that occurred in the 16th century?

Rick Perry does.

Just think, if the Dukes of Medina and Parma had been more proactive we could all be speaking Spanish and dominating soccer under a whole new magical fictional scenario -- I'm surprise Newt Gingrich hasn't written a terrible alternative history book about it already.

(Of course, this could actually be a point of agreement between he and Mittens Romney's magic underwear)


StonyPillow said...

Rarely is the question asked: Is our governors learning?

jimmiraybob said...

Well, once you convince yourself that the world is 6,000 years old and that somewhere in this scenario a giant flood, sent by an angry all-loving god, killed all the the people in the world less half a dozen or so, what's it really matter if you can keep the centuries straight.

That being said, the 16th century was the reformation and the rise of the Protestants against the Roman Catholic Church. Much killing and war, suppression of ideas, and societal crises ensued. That is one reason why our thinking founding fathers insisted on separation of church and state, which Perry is against.

I guess all this history stuff just rattles around in Teavangelical conservative minds and whatever comes up at any given time is what's spewed. You'd think they'd just not use history and stick with the talking points that they've spent a decade or a lifetime memorizing.

Montag said...

Being off by a couple of centuries is well within the margin of error for an A&M graduate.

Gotta keep the context of Perry's education in mind when assessing these things....

jimmiraybob said...

Montag, good observation.

I'll guess that the acceptable margin of error for a Liberty U grad is, I don't care cus I'm making my own reality. In which case Perry would appear to be rather intellectually advanced. That's my boy, not the stupidest or most ignorant.

I believe that he's trotted this formulation (or close) to the surface recently. Or maybe it was Hank Williams, Jr. Who can keep track.

Ebon Krieg said...

I believe he mentioned something about the founding fathers and Washington D.C. Oh, never mind.

pansypoo said...

was this history error fixed by no child left behind?

omen said...

it wasn't conservatives either who supported the revolutionary war.

effing hypocrites.