Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Thank goodness

Sean Hannity has fully exonerated Herman Cain under the little known "you can grope anyone who doesn't work for you" doctrine and it's all cool.  That -- of course -- applies solely to Republicans.



Anonymous said...

what's that 'o' doing in there?

jimmiraybob said...

It's the same principle as Penn State employes in its No Buggering 10 Year Old Boys in the Work Place rule (colloquially known as the "take it off campus" clause).

Attaturk said...

The "O" is for the Republican Face.

Anonymous said...

What does "YCGAWDWOY -- IYAR." mean. Mean? Maybe I'm not enough of a modern texting nerd, but I can't decode these idiotic acronyms that go beyond 4 letters. Most long acronyms are BS; WTF?

Actually, WTF carries far more weight as "what the fuck".

What the fuck?

pansypoo said...

You Can Grope Anyone Who Doesn't Work F(O)r You IF YOU ARE REPUBLIKAN.
i finally got one, due to the clue. when are the women gonna come out on hannity?

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the translation. It seems sort of obvious now, looking back at the italicized part of the post. I might have even figured out the "IYAR" part if I didn't have a predisposed irritation with acronyms and dopey texting-type "grammer".

TAFAOF (thanks again, from an old fart)

pansypoo said...

i hate them myself.