Wednesday, May 15, 2013

More reality to ignore

One would hope this would stop the kicking of the poor and downtrodden...but we know that won't happen until the powers that be made poor and downtrodden jelly.

According to new CBO projections out today, assuming no changes to current law, this year’s deficit will be $642 billion, the lowest since 2008. Chart after the jump …

That comes out to 4.0% of GDP compared to the high of 10.1% in 2009. CBO projects that it will fall to 2.1% by 2015.


davedave said...

Nobody cares about the deficit. Never have. Never will. Benghazi!

pansypoo said...

imagine if we could remove georgee COMPLETELY!

Anonymous said...

why do you think they scream austerity so loudly? cause they want to try to make it look like the rethugs were responsible for bringing down the debt...

and the cromagnon press will bite...
